All persons who are interested to become residents at this Centre are to apply on the prescribed Application Form along with a written agreement agreeing to abide by all the Rules and Regulations of this Institution.
The mode of admission will be in accordance with the assessment reached at, by the authorities, after having interview with the applicant.
Every applicant applying for admission to the Centre shall be required to produce a responsible person at the time of interview, who is none other than his/her near relative, failing which he/she shall produce a consent letter / credentials from such near relatives like children, brother/s, sister/s who have attained the age of maturity and are competent to contract, or letter / credentials from the Parish Priest and such letter / credentials shall bear the signature, full address and contact telephone numbers for the purpose of personal interview jointly held by the Director, with the applicant to access his / her eligibility to admission. In the absence of the administrator, the assistant administrator will cater the need.
Aadhaar Card of the person who seeks admission.
Two copies of passport sized photographs.
The applicant should also furnish, to the satisfaction of the authorities and at the time of the interview, the following documents in original. A detailed medical report issued by a qualified medical practitioner in accordance with the requirements of the Institution.
The name, surname, family name and full address and contact telephone number/s mobile number/s of his/her spouce, near relative and the applicant's relationship with such person/s.
Every admitted applicant shall remit at the time of admission, the service charges / fees security deposit / service charges for special nurse etc. as prescribed in the Rules and Regulations.
Amount, if any, standing at his / her credit / according to the account of the Centre will be refunded to the inmate when he / she leave the Institution. But such amount will not carry any interest. Such amount/s in his / her account, unclaimed for more than one calendar year from the date of leaving, will be adjusted for the welfare of the poor inmates.
The authorities of the Centre may refuse admission to any applicant whose character or antecedents has not been satisfactory or for any other reasons which the authorities seem fit.
Any resident who has obtained admission by means of false representation of any kind or who may be found guilty of indiscipline / misconduct shall be dismissed from the Institution.
No resident will be re-admitted when once he / she has been dismissed / sent away from the Centre. The decision of the authorities shall be final and binding upon the applicant.