Every applicant admitted as residents of St. Joseph’s Assisted Living Centre shall strictly follow the Rules and Regulations of the Centre.
The Rules and Regulations of registration of residents will be subject to the changes effected from time to time by the authorities in accordance with the change in time and circumstance.
To maintain continuous contact with the resident’s family and others, visitors are allowed on all days before 6pm. Residents shall use the visitors room for this purpose. If anybody wants to stay overnight, rooms and food will be provided on payment.
Prior special permission from the authorities is required before going out of the Centre. Likewise, the authorities concerned shall be informed on return.
Residents who desire to visit their houses as per their requirements or wishes, shall be allowed to do so. But no inmate will be allowed to go home unless a responsible relative comes to take him / her and agrees to bring him / her back.
Residents who desire to travel on their own should obtain written permission from their relative/s responsible. Such residents should also give a written undertaking to the Centre to the effect that he / she is fully responsible for his / her safety. But in no case shall permission be granted unless urgent need / emergency arise.
On the death of any resident at the Centre, it is the responsibility of the family to take their body to their native place.
The address and telephone number/s of the nearest relative/s is to be provided.